About MT Aerial Images
MT Aerial Images was founded in 2019 by Mark Thomas. His back ground is from the oil and gas sector where he piloted work class ROV’s for one of the biggest ROV company’s in the world for 14 years.
He found the love of flying drones back in 2017 where he took what he learnt from flying ROV’s underwater which believe it or not has a lot of similarities and then utilised this into flying drones in a controlled safe manner.
From this he has worked hard to achieve Permission for Commercial Operations (PfCO) from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to operate commercialy as MT Aerial Images. Along with this he has built up a small fleet of drones ranging from small and compact to thermal capable systems. All work and equipment is fully registered and insured for commercial purposes.
Mark has also recently invested in a small state of the art inspection class ROV system to ad to his fleet for the purposes of marine inspections and imaging. The ROV is capable of diving to 100m depth with 100m of tether installed, has 4k capability and has a robotic grabber fitted to it.

Services available include
Aerial Photography
Marine Inspections and Imaging
Please feel free to get in touch and we will be happy to advise on all your requirements for your project.
Check out our portfolio page for more images of what we can do!